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Boolean Queries

Operator Example Description
AND bacon eggs Finds tweets that mention both bacon and eggs. Please note that AND is implied so should not be entered.
OR bacon OR eggs Finds tweets that mention either bacon or eggs.
NOT bacon NOT eggs Finds tweets that mention bacon, but not eggs.
Quotes "bacon sandwich" Finds tweets that mention the exact phrase bacon sandwich. Note that these should be straight (not curly) quotes, and that these can often become corrupted when copied from email or messaging software.
Brackets (bacon OR sausage) eggs Finds tweets that mention both bacon and eggs, or both sausage and eggs.
Proximity "bacon eggs"~3 Finds tweets that mention both bacon and eggs within 3 words of each other. This operator (~) is called a tilde.
Near bacon NEAR/2 eggs Finds tweets that mention bacon within 2 words of eggs.
Wildcard bacon cook* Finds tweets that mention bacon and words that start with cook (eg cook, cooking, cooks). Note that wildcards can also be used on their own in place of whole words.
Country bacon country:au Finds tweets that mention bacon from people in Australia. This uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes, eg gb,us,ca,es.
Language bacon language:en Finds tweets that mention bacon which are written in English. This uses ISO 639-1 language codes, eg en,es,de,fr,pt.
Field-start ^bacon Finds tweets that mention bacon as the first word of the tweet.
Field end bacon$ Finds tweets that mention bacon as the last word of the tweet.
Quorum matching "I love bacon in the morning"/2 Finds tweets that mention at least 2 of the words within that phrase.
Strict order bacon << eggs Finds tweets that mention bacon and eggs, and where bacon appears before eggs.

Other notes:

  • Queries are not case sensitive. For example Bacon will return the same results as bacon.
  • Always ensure you have the same amount of open and close brackets and that there are not any trailing OR or NOT at the end of queries, or just prior to a parenthesis, as this will cause the query to fail.
  • Words with a ‘-‘ in them must have a double quotes around them
  • Hashtags and usernames can be entered as is, eg #trending and @trendsmap
  • Example will not also match #example and @example. These need to be entered individually.