false	false	      
@kat__stafford | 27,071 followers
NEW: Black voters undeniably helped President-elect Joe Biden clinch the presidency. Many point to the results as a repudiation of the racist rhetoric of President Donald Trump.

It's also proof of the power of Black voters.

My latest w/@aaronlmorrison:

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Total of 13 replies and 1 quotes found
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Major data analysis via @angel_kastanis. Biden drew more voters in critical areas with large Black populations: Wayne County, MI, which includes Detroit, Milwaukee, Philly. In GA alone(AP has not called it yet): He added 588,600 voters compared to Hillary Clinton’s tally in 2016.
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @RashidaTlaib @aaronlmorrison Thank, from the bottom of my heart. Biden isn’t perfect, I def don’t think he is, but I really hope his admin remembers what the Black Community did for America on Nov 3rd.
	true	false	      
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @aaronlmorrison Democrat party better pay attention and listen to the needs of those voters.
	true	false	      
You're Welcome, Biden.
Now, start helping the working class. You have two years to make headway.
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @RashidaTlaib @aaronlmorrison Laughable. Joe Biden is an old school racist!! Yall know it yet excuse it
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @RashidaTlaib @aaronlmorrison But Trump did more for Blacks than Biden did in 47 years, poor choice.
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @RashidaTlaib @aaronlmorrison Please sign and share this petition via email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Liker. The Department of Homeland Security has already designated one group as terrorists. Photo courtesy of the Southern Poverty Law Center
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @RashidaTlaib @aaronlmorrison Yes! And the kids turned it out. All of my kids and their friends voted. My generation didn't pay attention that early in life. Most kids ain't playing that racism shit either. World's changing. Get right or get left!
	true	false	      
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @RashidaTlaib @aaronlmorrison Yet, I feel that power does not extend beyond the boundaries of the Democratic Party. We are doom if we don’t take leadership of our destiny. That is a model of economics and governance that exceeds that anyone else in the world.
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @RashidaTlaib @aaronlmorrison I've learned a long time ago. The true racist's are the ones that have to make everything about race.
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @aaronlmorrison Two me who is racist again?
	true	false	      
@kat__stafford @RashidaTlaib @aaronlmorrison I thought is was voter fraud. scorecard hammer vote


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